VHC Group operates four sub branches:

-Production of cut flowers (VHC Flowers)

-Production of young plants/perennials (VHC Plants)

-Production of instant green roofs (VHC Roof)

-Production of instant vertical green (VHC Vertical)

VHC Group operates the farm(s) western style and with western management and technicians. It is developing into large scale production, mainly focused on China, but also exporting to several countries in Europe.

VHC Group is continuously introducing new products, new concepts and new species from Europe into the Chinese market. The sales of the products is mainly done trough partners and local distributors. In the past years VHC Group has managed to build a large network of partners all around China. The ultimate goal of the group is to become a key player in China in the horticultural market.


Click an image to see more about what our company is producing!